micron res.


 micron res.


 micron res.


Machine Maintenance:

Filament does not extrude when I am giving the extrude command?
Check a few things:
1. Does the extruder pull the filament? If yes, then extrude at least 15cm of filament until the hot-end chamber fills up. If no, then try to insert the filament again, reverse the extruder so that the filament comes out of the extruder. If the reverse does not push the filament out, try to help by pulling it out manually.
2. Sometimes because of filament diameter variation, the pressure bolt on the side of the extruder needs to be adjusted – if it’s too tight then it will “eat” the filament and the drive gear will slip. Loosen the bolt and then extrude filament while slowly tightening the bolt to the required pressure.
3. If the nozzle is blocked, first clean it from the outside with a delicate metal brush. Using a 0.3mm needle, try to insert it in the hole of the nozzle. Try to extrude filament again, sometimes the motor will “click” a few times until the blockage is released.
4. When changing filament from PLA to ABS or vice versa, it is important to use the right temperature for the new filament. If going from PLA to ABS, heat the extruder to 225 and extrude the ABS until the extruded filament is PLA-free and clean (about 30cm of filament needs to be extruded). The same if going from ABS to PLA.
5. The drive gear, located on the extruder motor shaft, after a while generates chips of plastic from previous prints. Unscrew the 4 bolts holding the motor and gently pull the motor out of the extruder. With a delicate metal brush clean the chips off the drive gear. Then return the motor and screw the 4 bolts back into place. 
The extruder motor “ticks” – why?
Usually when the extruder motor ticks it means either the filament is not inserted correctly or the nozzle is blocked. Sometimes when a print starts, if the height of the build plate is not right, meaning the nozzle is too close, the pushed filament cannot come out of the nozzle resulting in motor ticks. Adjusting the height should fix the problem. If all is right and the motor still ticks, it can also mean that the motor driver is faulty. In this case you should call technical support.
Heat platform won’t heat.
The power for the heat platform flows through a fuse, and the fuse is cooled by the fans on the side. If the fans fail to work the fuse will heat up and cut the power, meaning the heat platform will not heat. In this case call technical support.
When I print a circle, it comes out as an ellipse – why?
If the timing belts are not tight or the timing pulleys are loose, this can result in shape distortion. To fix this, check to see if the pulleys and the timing belts are tight.

Printing Issues:

Why does my object warp inwards?
Because of thermal stress the plastic will warp inwards in some cases. To prevent that, use the brim function with at least 10 mm outwards, or you can add “ears” to the place where the warping occurs. By “ears” we mean adding a circle of at least 10 mm radius and 0.4 mm height.
My print won’t stick to the build platform.
The build platform should be cleaned right before starting a new print. The cleaning should be done with a paper towel soaked with a bit of acetone. Another issue is the leveling of the build plate: check to see if the build plate is level and adjust if needed. If the object you are trying to print has a small touching surface, you should consider using the raft function to 10-15 cm bigger than the object. 
Small objects (less than 15mm in diameter) come out with bad surface.
When printing small objects, it is best to print 2 or 3 of them to let them cool while the extruder prints another.
Why do my printed models have cracks and/or my layers separate?
The settings in the slicer software are crucial to the resulting printed object. You should go through the settings manual to better understand every parameter you set.